You just had connected accounts but get transactions or get balances returns an empty list?
PSD2 has defined a limitation in the number of time the balances or transactions can be fetched in a 24h timeframe. Currently, this limitation is 4 times in 24h.
So, for concurrency reason and PSD2 fetching limitation, balances and transactions are fetched automatically by our system 3 times a day (8h15, 12h15 and 17h15 GMT+1).
PSD2 allows also you to work in attended mode. This means that the end user is currently interacting with your app and you need to have fresher transactions or balances as apposed to a batch or backend job fetching them on its own without the end user.
In this attended mode, there are no limitations.
To enable this mode, you have to give us the public IP address of the connected user in the field /accountsAccessRequest/psuIp when you call get transactions or get balances.